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St Joseph’s College students put best foot forward at industry breakfast

Year 10 St Joseph’s College Echuca students were given the opportunity to network with local employers at St Joseph’s Industry Breakfast on September 13, facilitated by Committee for Echuca Moama.

Prospective employers joined the students at the school’s hall in a relaxed and friendly environment to have a chat about potential careers and job prospects once they leave school. It was also a great chance to talk to business owners about work experience options and subjects they should be pursuing at St Joseph’s to help them on their path to future employment.

C4EM Chair and hospitality owner, Dean Oberin, said there are so many industries and employment opportunities in Echuca Moama that have developed over the past twenty years which now make the area more attractive to school leavers.

‘Echuca Moama is such a progressive region, with a huge range of career options for school leavers. The breakfast was a great way for students to ask questions, find out what job opportunities are in their local area, all in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. I hope the students were able to take something from the morning and realise that there are a vast swathe of prospective employers just waiting with exciting jobs right on their doorstep.’

There were representatives from sectors including hospitality, manufacturing, agriculture, engineering, real estate, information technology, media, health, accounting, allied health and administration.

School principal Anne Marie Cairns said the breakfast had been excellent.

‘The more partnerships we build between school and business, the more opportunities our students and young people will have,’ she said.

‘For the people to take time out of their work was exceptionally generous. We hope this is the first of many events, in whatever format that may take, to engage with businesses.’

Allison Yeates from LJ Hooker enjoyed the morning.

‘I believe this type of event is a really effective way of bringing our young people together with community businesses, especially before they embark on work experience opportunities,’ she said.

‘So many students just don’t know what’s out there and something like this is so beneficial. If they can get more of an idea of what’s out there, they can make more informed decisions.’

‘For me personally, I enjoyed the opportunity to chat with some people I hadn’t seen in quite a while and for a little taste of networking.’

J2 Creation’s Jason Clymo said Echuca Moama’s social economy was vibrant and filled with clever people who have some amazing skill sets.

‘Anytime you can get businesses together is powerful,’ he said. ‘Networking is everything and by connecting with other businesses we can see how we can support them.’

‘It was awesome being able to chat to Year 10 students, to see what they know about the local industry and to talk about work placement and ongoing VCAL work experience.’

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