Thank you to the almost 70 people who attended C4EM’s Information Night on onboard the beautiful PS Hero!
The night was about learning what C4EM is doing in the community and how businesses and individuals can help support the organisation which aims to unite key stakeholders across the Echuca Moama region to foster innovative, cross-industry collaboration that addresses the community’s most pressing challenges.
It was a beautiful night for a cruise and the perfect chance to learn about what C4EM is doing in the community and how businesses and individuals can help support us!
Our latest achievement is the establishment of a Workforce, Training, Education and Leadership Working Group, the recent launch of the Community Connection attraction and retention promotional film and, of course, we are particularly excited to offer our services in the tourism sector since the dissolution of Echuca Moama and District Tourism Association.
We have been working hard on our Safer Towns CCTV project too, which will see the installation of cameras in the central business district.
We are currently offering a 10-day leadership course in Echuca with Michael Worth from Leading People and Culture. Days one and two are November 14 and 15. If anyone is interested in finding out more, please email
Other projects C4EM continues to advocate for include the Bridge Arts Project, the Loco Shed redevelopment, cross-border issues and the Murray Darling Basin Plan.